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Clinical significance of human papilloma virus infection in the cervical lesions

Shuang LI, Yu-Han MENG, Hu TING, Jian SHEN, Ding MA

Frontiers of Medicine 2010, Volume 4, Issue 3,   Pages 264-270 doi: 10.1007/s11684-010-0094-6

Abstract: Cervical cancer, related with human papilloma virus (HPV) infection, has been one of the severest diseasesThe well-known risk factors of HPV infection in cervical lesions consist of high-risk sexual behaviorsthe continuous pathological process, including the subclinical, latent, and persistent infection of highrisk (HR)-HPV, chronic cervicitis with abnormal results of cytological examination, cervical intraepithelial

Keywords: cervical lesion     high risk-human papilloma virus     persistent infection     loading dose     cervical intraepithelial    

Epidemiological studies of women under age 30 infected with human papillomavirus

Zhihua LIU MD, Qing LI BM, Weihong LI BM,

Frontiers of Medicine 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4,   Pages 459-462 doi: 10.1007/s11684-009-0084-8

Abstract: The aim of this paper was to investigate the prevalence of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection in womenFor many young women below the age of 30 who were infected with high-risk HPV were one-off infections

Keywords: cervical cancer     human papilloma virus     cervical intraepithelial neoplasia    

Immunological and virological characteristics of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 superinfection:

Yang Gao, Wen Tian, Xiaoxu Han, Feng Gao

Frontiers of Medicine 2017, Volume 11, Issue 4,   Pages 480-489 doi: 10.1007/s11684-017-0594-8


Superinfection is frequently detected among individuals infected by human immunodeficiency virus type

Keywords: human immunodeficiency virus type I     superinfection     incidence     immune response    

Universal influenza virus vaccines: what can we learn from the human immune response following exposure

Daniel Stadlbauer, Raffael Nachbagauer, Philip Meade, Florian Krammer

Frontiers of Medicine 2017, Volume 11, Issue 4,   Pages 471-479 doi: 10.1007/s11684-017-0602-z


Several universal influenza virus vaccine candidates based on eliciting antibodies against the hemagglutininSimilarly, the majority of human anti-stalk monoclonal antibodies that have been isolated are directedHere we review what is known about the human humoral immune response to vaccination and infection withunderstanding of this phenomenon and the underlying mechanisms might help to develop future universal influenza virus

Keywords: universal influenza virus vaccine     hemagglutinin stalk     H7N9    

Molecular network-based intervention brings us closer to ending the HIV pandemic

Xiaoxu Han, Bin Zhao, Minghui An, Ping Zhong, Hong Shang

Frontiers of Medicine 2020, Volume 14, Issue 2,   Pages 136-148 doi: 10.1007/s11684-020-0756-y

Abstract: Precise identification of HIV transmission among populations is a key step in public health responses. However, the HIV transmission network is usually difficult to determine. HIV molecular networks can be determined by phylogenetic approach, genetic distance-based approach, and a combination of both approaches. These approaches are increasingly used to identify transmission networks among populations, reconstruct the history of HIV spread, monitor the dynamics of HIV transmission, guide targeted intervention on key subpopulations, and assess the effects of interventions. Simulation and retrospective studies have demonstrated that these molecular network-based interventions are more cost-effective than random or traditional interventions. However, we still need to address several challenges to improve the practice of molecular network-guided targeting interventions to finally end the HIV epidemic. The data remain limited or difficult to obtain, and more automatic real-time tools are required. In addition, molecular and social networks must be combined, and technical parameters and ethnic issues warrant further studies.

Keywords: human immunodeficiency virus type 1     molecular cluster     transmission cluster     risk network     targeted intervention    

Hyperthermia on skin immune system and its application in the treatment of human papillomavirus-infected

Xinghua Gao, Hongduo Chen

Frontiers of Medicine 2014, Volume 8, Issue 1,   Pages 1-5 doi: 10.1007/s11684-014-0309-3

Abstract: We conducted a series of open or controlled trials to treat skin human papillomavirus infection by inducing

Keywords: hyperthermia     HPV     immune response     virus     tumor    

Human monoclonal antibodies as candidate therapeutics against emerging viruses

Yujia Jin, Cheng Lei, Dan Hu, Dimiter S. Dimitrov, Tianlei Ying

Frontiers of Medicine 2017, Volume 11, Issue 4,   Pages 462-470 doi: 10.1007/s11684-017-0596-6

Abstract: syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), and Ebola virusConsequently, an increasing number of mAbs, which exhibit high potency against emerging viruses We also review the application of recently developed human mAbs against SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and Ebolavirus and discuss prospects for the development of mAbs as therapeutic agents against emerging viral

Keywords: human monoclonal antibodies     emerging infectious diseases     SARS-CoV     MERS-CoV     Ebola virus    

Human health ambient water quality criteria for 13 heavy metals and health risk assessment in Taihu Lake

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 4, doi: 10.1007/s11783-021-1475-6


• The concentrations of 13 heavy metals in Taihu Lake were analyzed.

Keywords: Heavy metals     Human health ambient water quality criteria     Taihu Lake     Health risk assessment     Contribution    

Dysregulation of β-catenin by hepatitis B virus X protein in HBV-infected human hepatocellular carcinomas

Lei CHEN, Liang HU, Liang LI, Yuan LIU, Qian-Qian TU, Yan-Xin CHANG, He-Xin YAN, Meng-Chao WU, Hong-Yang WANG,

Frontiers of Medicine 2010, Volume 4, Issue 4,   Pages 399-411 doi: 10.1007/s11684-010-0170-y

Abstract: in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), β-catenin was correlated with hepatitis B viruslevels of wild-type β-catenin and E-cadherin were decreased in HepG2 cells expressing hepatitis B virus

Keywords: hepatocellular carcinoma     hepatitis B virus X protein     β     -catenin     cell adhesion     E-cadherin     transcriptional    

Spatiotemporal characteristics and Monte Carlo simulation-based human health risk of heavy metals in

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2024, Volume 18, Issue 10, doi: 10.1007/s11783-024-1882-6


● The spatiotemporal distribution of soil heavy metals from mining area was analyzed.

Keywords: Heavy metals     Spatiotemporal distribution     Ecological health risk assessment     Monte Carlo simulation    

correction of hemorrhagic diathesis in hemophilia A mice by an AAV-delivered hybrid FVIII composed of the human

Frontiers of Medicine 2022, Volume 16, Issue 4,   Pages 584-595 doi: 10.1007/s11684-021-0844-7

Abstract: In this study, a recombinant FVIII cDNA encoding a human/rat hybrid FVIII with an enhanced procoagulantpotential for adeno-associated virus (AAV)-delivered gene therapy was developed.Plasmids containing human FVIII heavy chain (hHC), human light chain (hLC), and rat light chain (rLC)

Keywords: hemophilia A     adeno-associated virus (AAV)     human/rat hybrid factor VIII     gene therapy     dual chain strategy    

Human reliability in maintenance task

Pacaiova HANA,

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2010, Volume 5, Issue 2,   Pages 184-188 doi: 10.1007/s11465-010-0002-4

Abstract: Maintenance management requirements have another dimension in the present as in the past. Looking for the optimal tools of decision processing is hard. The current concepts have represented the integration of theoretical, technical, and management tools whose applications need actual modification. Technical measurements are expensive and take a long time/term, and it is hard to estimate the economical returns. This paper presents the concept of a maintenance management task and its function in preventing major accidents. The importance of considering the reliability of maintenance tasks and the method to reach it are also discussed in this paper.

Keywords: maintenance     risk assessment     failure     reliability     prevention    

Identification of surgical patients at high risk of OSAS using the Berlin Questionnaire to detect potentialhigh risk of adverse respiratory events in post anesthesia care unit

Fei Liu, Li Liu, Fang Zheng, Xiangdong Tang, Yongxin Bao, Yunxia Zuo

Frontiers of Medicine 2018, Volume 12, Issue 2,   Pages 189-195 doi: 10.1007/s11684-017-0533-8

Abstract: This study uses Berlin Questionnaire (BQ) to identify Chinese adult surgical patients who are at a highrisk of OSAS and to determine if the BQ could be used to detect potential high risk of adverse respiratoryResults indicated that only 11.4% of the patients were considered at a high risk of OSAS.Age, high risk for OSAS, and smoking were independent risk factors for the occurrence of adverse respiratoryrisk of OSAS and determine the potential risk of developing postoperative respiratory complications

Keywords: obstructive sleep apnea     Berlin Questionnaire     Chinese surgical patients     adverse respiratory event    

PPCPs in a drinking water treatment plant in the Yangtze River Delta of China: Occurrence, removal and risk

Xinshu Jiang, Yingxi Qu, Liquan Liu, Yuan He, Wenchao Li, Jun Huang, Hongwei Yang, Gang Yu

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2019, Volume 13, Issue 2, doi: 10.1007/s11783-019-1109-4


• Ketoprofen & carbamazepine can be riskmanagement indicators because of the high RQ.

Keywords: PPCPs     DWTP     Human health risk assessment    

A fuzzy evaluation model based on ANP for R&D human capital investment risk in military institutions

Wang Dejiang,Sun Jianping

Strategic Study of CAE 2010, Volume 12, Issue 9,   Pages 84-89


Based on identification of R&D human capital investment risk in militaryinstitutions, the risk evaluation model was constructed.

Keywords: R&D human capital investment risk     fuzzy     ANP     military institutions    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Clinical significance of human papilloma virus infection in the cervical lesions

Shuang LI, Yu-Han MENG, Hu TING, Jian SHEN, Ding MA

Journal Article

Epidemiological studies of women under age 30 infected with human papillomavirus

Zhihua LIU MD, Qing LI BM, Weihong LI BM,

Journal Article

Immunological and virological characteristics of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 superinfection:

Yang Gao, Wen Tian, Xiaoxu Han, Feng Gao

Journal Article

Universal influenza virus vaccines: what can we learn from the human immune response following exposure

Daniel Stadlbauer, Raffael Nachbagauer, Philip Meade, Florian Krammer

Journal Article

Molecular network-based intervention brings us closer to ending the HIV pandemic

Xiaoxu Han, Bin Zhao, Minghui An, Ping Zhong, Hong Shang

Journal Article

Hyperthermia on skin immune system and its application in the treatment of human papillomavirus-infected

Xinghua Gao, Hongduo Chen

Journal Article

Human monoclonal antibodies as candidate therapeutics against emerging viruses

Yujia Jin, Cheng Lei, Dan Hu, Dimiter S. Dimitrov, Tianlei Ying

Journal Article

Human health ambient water quality criteria for 13 heavy metals and health risk assessment in Taihu Lake

Journal Article

Dysregulation of β-catenin by hepatitis B virus X protein in HBV-infected human hepatocellular carcinomas

Lei CHEN, Liang HU, Liang LI, Yuan LIU, Qian-Qian TU, Yan-Xin CHANG, He-Xin YAN, Meng-Chao WU, Hong-Yang WANG,

Journal Article

Spatiotemporal characteristics and Monte Carlo simulation-based human health risk of heavy metals in

Journal Article

correction of hemorrhagic diathesis in hemophilia A mice by an AAV-delivered hybrid FVIII composed of the human

Journal Article

Human reliability in maintenance task

Pacaiova HANA,

Journal Article

Identification of surgical patients at high risk of OSAS using the Berlin Questionnaire to detect potentialhigh risk of adverse respiratory events in post anesthesia care unit

Fei Liu, Li Liu, Fang Zheng, Xiangdong Tang, Yongxin Bao, Yunxia Zuo

Journal Article

PPCPs in a drinking water treatment plant in the Yangtze River Delta of China: Occurrence, removal and risk

Xinshu Jiang, Yingxi Qu, Liquan Liu, Yuan He, Wenchao Li, Jun Huang, Hongwei Yang, Gang Yu

Journal Article

A fuzzy evaluation model based on ANP for R&D human capital investment risk in military institutions

Wang Dejiang,Sun Jianping

Journal Article